Some how it didnt work before.
The following steps might help
Uninstall and delete drivers and reinstall them and restart windows.
Works but still unreliable.
The only advantage is that “Project to this PC” include audio, while Link to windows and Samsung flow does not have any sound. The video quality is just so so , rather use samsung Dex.
Dont fix it if it happends again.
Category Archives: 教學
Fix remote audio no sound issue in RDP session after sleep and resume
create a bat file with the following commands ( change the password )
sc stop Audiosrv
sc config Audiosrv obj= “NT AUTHORITY\LocalService” password= “**********”
sc start Audiosrv
can add to task scheduler after every login etc
WIndows update feature update defer missing
chang DeferFeatureUpdatesPeriodInDays number to 0
After switching into a new network / router
Might need to change the following
Network and internet
Change connection Properties
Select Private
Switch between Hyper V and no Hyper V for sandbox and NOX
Open CMD admin
bcdedit /copy {current} /d “No Hyper-V”
and will the following
The entry was successfully copied to {xxxxxxxxxxxx}.
copy the {xxxxxxxxxxxx} to the following command
{current} or the {other ID} – see pic
bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxxxxxx} hypervisorlaunchtype off
>>> should see
The operation completed successfully.
Then press and hold shift and restart
Go to select other OS , and chose windows or no Hyper V
WINDOWS 10 廣東話輸入法 安裝步驟 1903 可用 METRO / UWP APP可用 / DIME v1.1.267
DIME v1.1.267
跟以前windows XP , windows vista , windows 7 的廣東話輸入法非常接近
下載 / 自訂修改 CIN 檔,再載入主碼表 + 修改GenericConfig.ini
Universal Windows Platforms (UWP) apps (formerly Windows Store apps and Metro-style apps) 可用
Cantonese typing input for windows 10 1903 , works with Universal Windows Platforms (UWP) apps (formerly Windows Store apps and Metro-style apps)
Windows cantonese IME – DIME
Fix Windows BSOD when running Android emulator
1: Go to Turn Windows features on or off, and Deselect checkbox next to Hyper-V
2: Admin CMD and type in
bcdedit /set hypervisorlaunchtype off
Done 🙂
Install Android x86 OREO on Microsoft Surface Go 64Gb
Installing PrimeOS on surface go – android x86 PrimeOS_Mainline_0.4.5_Installer.exe
我是用surface GO 跑primeOS的,主要是為了看漫畫和KINDLE
安裝後旋轉有問題, 用Rotation Control解決 (付費)
自動休眠會當機,用automate強制不休眠 (不付費也足夠解決)
每次用完要完全關機,開機要20秒左右,比bliss 和android x86快幾秒
和windows 比較反應是較快,不過看影片的話,用windows 可以看比較高質的片, primeOS會不夠力。
Recover missing files in downloads & documents folder after WINDOWS 10 UPDATE – 1903
Restore lost documents and some files after Windows 10 1809 / 1903 Update
All my files in documents , desktop , downloads , pictures and Favorites etc gone missing after updating from Windows 1809 to 1903.
I found out that all my files still intact in C:\Users , but somehow my profile is pointing to a TEMP folder.
A simple regedit fixed my problem, hope it will fix yours too. Good luck
Activate Windows server 2012 evaluation version using Standard key
Open CMD admin,
Type use the following commands
DISM /online /Get-CurrentEdition
DISM /online /Set-Edition:ServerStandard /ProductKey:XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX-XXXXX /AcceptEula
Then restart the server