After switching into a new network / router
Might need to change the following
Network and internet
Change connection Properties
Select Private
After switching into a new network / router
Might need to change the following
Network and internet
Change connection Properties
Select Private
Open CMD admin
bcdedit /copy {current} /d “No Hyper-V”
and will the following
The entry was successfully copied to {xxxxxxxxxxxx}.
copy the {xxxxxxxxxxxx} to the following command
{current} or the {other ID} – see pic
bcdedit /set {xxxxxxxxxxxx} hypervisorlaunchtype off
>>> should see
The operation completed successfully.
Then press and hold shift and restart
Go to select other OS , and chose windows or no Hyper V
DIME v1.1.267
跟以前windows XP , windows vista , windows 7 的廣東話輸入法非常接近
下載 / 自訂修改 CIN 檔,再載入主碼表 + 修改GenericConfig.ini
Universal Windows Platforms (UWP) apps (formerly Windows Store apps and Metro-style apps) 可用
Cantonese typing input for windows 10 1903 , works with Universal Windows Platforms (UWP) apps (formerly Windows Store apps and Metro-style apps)
Windows cantonese IME – DIME