1: Go to Settings -> Media
2: Change “Store uploads in this folder” back to default “wp-content/uploads”
3: save and done
Monthly Archives: August 2018
Set up Windows Sleep command for Logitech harmony when press activities off button via Bluetooth
1: download nircmd from
2: unzip and put nircmd.exe in windows directory
3: open notepad and type ( this is give you a 200 second windows to stop windows go into sleep mode
timeout /t 200
nircmd standby force
4: save the file to sleep.bat and put into a folder eg: c:\sleep
5: press windows button , type comm , use mouse to right click the command prompt shortcut, and pin it to taskbar
6: move the pinned command prompt shortcut on the taskbar from the far right the to far left ( 1st position)
7: right click the pinned command prompt shortcut
edit the target: to %windir%\system32\cmd.exe /c “sleep.bat”
edit the start in: C:\sleep
then click OK
9: set up your activity and add the computer if you haven’t done that.
Then press option icon on the top left corner in the harmony app
– harmony setup – Add/Edit Devices & Activities – ACTIVITIES – (select your activity) – EDIT END SEQUENCE – add a step – Device= your computer , command = 1st pinned to taskbar – press the right arrow on the top – press the left arrow on the top to sync your changes
done 😀