Monthly Archives: February 2018

Customize and export Start layout (Windows 10) | Microsoft Docs

Export layout by using powershell
just go the the folder you are going to export
and use this command

export-startlayout 1.xml



Applies to

Windows 10
Looking for consumer information? See Customize the Start menu

The easiest method for creating a customized Start layout to apply to other Windows 10 devices is to set up the Start screen on a test computer and then export the layout.

After you export the layout, decide whether you want to apply a full Start layout or a partial Start layout.

When a full Start layout is applied, the users cannot pin, unpin, or uninstall apps from Start. Users can view and open all apps in the All Apps view, but they cannot pin any apps to Start.

When a partial Start layout is applied, the contents of the specified tile groups cannot be changed, but users can move those groups, and can also create and customize their own groups.


Partial Start layout is only supported on Windows 10, version 1511 and later.

You can deploy the resulting .xml file to devices using one of the following methods:

Group Policy

Windows Configuration Designer provisioning package

Mobile device management (MDM)

Customize the Start screen on your test computer
To prepare a Start layout for export, you simply customize the Start layout on a test computer.

To prepare a test computer

Set up a test computer on which to customize the Start layout. Your test computer should have the operating system that is installed on the users’ computers (Windows 10 Pro, Enterprise, or Education). Install all apps and services that the Start layout should display.

Create a new user account that you will use to customize the Start layout.

To customize Start

Sign in to your test computer with the user account that you created.

Customize the Start layout as you want users to see it by using the following techniques:

Pin apps to Start. From Start, type the name of the app. When the app appears in the search results, right-click the app, and then click Pin to Start.

To view all apps, click All apps in the bottom-left corner of Start. Right-click any app, and pin or unpin it from Start.

Unpin apps that you don’t want to display. To unpin an app, right-click the app, and then click Unpin from Start.

Drag tiles on Start to reorder or group apps.

Resize tiles. To resize tiles, right-click the tile and then click Resize.

Create your own app groups. Drag the apps to an empty area. To name a group, click above the group of tiles and then type the name in the Name group field that appears above the group.


In Windows 10, version 1703, if the Start layout includes tiles for apps that are not installed on the device that the layout is later applied to, the tiles for those apps will be blank. The blank tiles will persist until the next time the user signs in, at which time the blank tiles are removed. Some system events may cause the blank tiles to be removed before the next sign-in.

In earlier versions of Windows 10, no tile would be pinned.

Export the Start layout
When you have the Start layout that you want your users to see, use the Export-StartLayout cmdlet in Windows PowerShell to export the Start layout to an .xml file.


If you include secondary Microsoft Edge tiles (tiles that link to specific websites in Microsoft Edge), see Add custom images to Microsoft Edge secondary tiles for instructions.

To export the Start layout to an .xml file

From Start, open Windows PowerShell.

At the Windows PowerShell command prompt, enter the following command:

export-startlayout –path .xml

In the previous command, -path is a required parameter that specifies the path and file name for the export file. You can specify a local path or a UNC path (for example, \\FileServer01\StartLayouts\StartLayoutMarketing.xml).

Use a file name of your choice—for example, StartLayoutMarketing.xml. Include the .xml file name extension. The Export-StartLayout cmdlet does not append the file name extension, and the policy settings require the extension.

Example of a layout file produced by Export-StartLayout:




If the Start layout that you export contains tiles for desktop (Win32) apps or .url links, Export-StartLayout will use DesktopApplicationLinkPath in the resulting file. Use a text or XML editor to change DesktopApplicationLinkPath to DesktopApplicationID. See Specify Start tiles for details on using the app ID in place of the link path.

Configure a partial Start layout
A partial Start layout enables you to add one or more customized tile groups to users’ Start screens or menus, while still allowing users to make changes to other parts of the Start layout. All groups that you add are locked, meaning users cannot change the contents of those tile groups, however users can change the location of those groups. Locked groups are identified with an icon, as shown in the following image.

locked tile group

When a partial Start layout is applied for the first time, the new groups are added to the users’ existing Start layouts. If an app tile is in both an existing group and in a new locked group, the duplicate app tile is removed from the existing (unlocked) group.

When a partial Start layout is applied to a device that already has a StartLayout.xml applied, groups that were added previously are removed and the groups in the new layout are added.

If the Start layout is applied by Group Policy or MDM, and the policy is removed, the groups remain on the devices but become unlocked.

To configure a partial Start screen layout

Customize the Start layout.

Export the Start layout.

Open the layout .xml file. There is a element. Add LayoutCustomizationRestrictionType=”OnlySpecifiedGroups” to the DefaultLayoutOverride element as follows:



Save the file and apply using any of the deployment methods.