Monthly Archives: July 2006

mobsync fix

多手試了新版mobsync,使到mobsync 不會再activesync時auto start。
原來了regedit 修理:
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CE ServicesAutoStartOnConnect]
"MobSyncAutoExec"=""d:\My Software\Program Files\mobsync094\mobsync.exe" /autoexec /5"
[HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindows CE ServicesAutoStartOnDisconnect]
"MobSyncAutoExec"=""d:\My Software\Program Files\mobsync094\mobsync.exe" /end"

[Remider] Shared Folders Permission

1:turn off "Use simple file sharing" in windows explorer – tools – folder options – view tab , advances settings
2:Share the folder as usual. If sharing the whole drive, click new share at the bottom. In permission, you can add the user & guest etc.
3:the user name and password box should come up when u try to get into that shared folder from any other location.  If no login box pop up, go to control panel – user accounts – click on a user and there should be "Manage my network passwords" on the left panel, delete all the wrong network password.
Account password MUST be enabled at the host computer.
4:try again and it should work